To prevent fire which frequently happened in the hot season and caused much damages and losses, COERR Mae Hong Son and UNHCR together with the trainer team from Provincial Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office provided a fire prevention training course in for Ban Mai Nai Soi and Ban Mae Surin camp on April 22 and 28 respectively. Each one day training was composed of 2-hour theory and 4-hour practice as to provide the refugee emergency response and environmental protection volunteer trainees (ER & EP) to be able to understand and acquire skills that will be daily useful in preventing and controlling fire efficiently and effectively should it erupt. The trained refugees will take the leading role in fire prevention team and can also transfer their knowledge and skills to other camp members to mitigate risk and loss from fire.
The training curriculum consisted of fire theory, fire classes, fire prevention plan, sources of fire hazard, fire risk assessment, fire extinguishment and fire extinguisher drill.
There were 69 ER & EP refugees trained in Ban Mai Nai Soi and 41 in Ban Mae Surin. The trainings had been attended by the refugees with enthusiasm due to its direct benefit to themselves, families and communities.
Rescue and Transport of the injured

Evacuation Drill

Campaign Later in June, Disaster Risk Reduction Campaign was launched by Youth Group “Black Dragon” of 3 female and 7 male members, through posters, pamphlets and quiz activity at the World Refugee Day event, with the following objectives: To raise awareness of community people about natural disasters and prevention or at least, reduction, of some particular risk and hazards, such as natural forest fire and man-made forest fire that threaten the dry season every year.
Dissemination of DRR knowledge through quiz and pamphlet distribution during the World Refugee Day
